Sheepdog Demonstrations
Here you will get to see our purebred border collie dogs Jess and Sam who respond to both voice and whistle commands while herding sheep. During your visit we will give you a demonstration of the dogs at work while explaining to you about the work the dogs undertake throughout the year on the mountains. Our dogs compete in sheepdog trials, so we will set up a replica trial field and give a demonstration of this skilled sport it will all take approx. 50 minutes to one hour. We have a covered viewing area just in case we get some soft Irish rain on the day of your visit.

Minature Donkeys & Lambs
We have two minature Mediterranean donkey Alfie and Sooty. They are the most adorable animals just less than three foot high. Both enjoy been taking for a walk especially when there is a field of grass at the end of it. They are very social animals constantly seeking attention from owners with friendly nudges, brays and funny sounds. They also enjoy been groomed daily.
Every year we also have pet lambs on the farm so more than likely you will have the opportunity to bottle feed them.